XYO Network_To Create Unreliable And Decentralized Oracle Systems

What is XYO?
XYO is a network of cryptographic sites based on blockchain, trusted, without knowledge, without knowledge that eliminates the need for central location data collection. The XYO network allows the localization of objects or people in many classes of devices and protocols. To enable this, the XYO team used "proof of origin" and "bound testimony" to bring the decentralized Blockchain world together with our real data in a breakthrough network.
This may sound like something of the future, but as I said at the opening of this article, we live in the future, and the XYO project is readily available and operational. They have an existing operational infrastructure of 1,000,000 tracker beacons, one of the largest Bluetooth and consumer GPS networks in the world, and for the XYO project this is just the beginning!
Counterfeit Diviner Attack. A set of digital signatures is sent to the XYO smart contract because the contract needs to verify the integrity of the Diviner who sent the answer. The contract can then verify the other Diviners who signed this list in a high confidence interval.
DDoS Sentinel Attack. At some point in time, Proof of Origin Chain can be verified by anyone because it is stored in XYOMainChain. This ensures that if one entity along the chain is compromised, the accuracy of the query answer (Origin Chain of Score) will drop to 0.
End to End Functionality
Sentinel Collection Data • Sentinel collects real-world location heuristics and prepares their own Proof of Origin to be chained to nodes on it.
Bridge Collecting Data From Sentinel • Bridges collect necessary data from Sentinel online and add Proof of Origin to their chain. Bridge then made themselves available to Archivists on the Network.
Archives Archives / Data Assembly of Bridge • Bridge continues to send information to Arsipis which is then stored in a decentralized store along with the location index heuristics.
Diviner Takes User Requests • A poll for questions sent to the Ethereum smart contract and decides to start the process of formulating the answer
Diviner Collects Data From Archivists • The Diviners then decide to take the query by retrieving the necessary information from the Archiving network.
Diviner Defines Answers • The Diviners choose Best Answer for requests from the Archiving network containing the best Origin Chain Score.
Proposes Diviner Block • The Diviners then propose a block on XYOMainChain that contains the contents of the answer, request, and Token XYO (XYO) paid through the Working Proof.
Diviner Returns to the Initiator Query Results • The Diviners bundle the answer, Origin Origin Chain Score, and serial digital signatures and send them to secure the adapter component for intelligent XYO contract.
XYO Network Components are Appreciated for Work • Components along the Origin Chain Proof are paid for their involvement in taking answers to questions.

Public token sales have a tiered pricing structure that starts at 1 ETH: 100,000 XYO and a maximum of 1 ETH: 33,333 XYO.
Smart contract platform: Ethereum
Type of Contract: ERC20
Token: XYO
Token Name: XYO Network Utility Token
Total issuance: Limited and limited to the amount achieved after the Token Main Sale 15
ICO Sale: March 20, 2018 - May 20, 2018
Amounts that occur during major sales: Unlimited
Unsold and unallocated tokens: Burned after token sale event. No further XYO tokens will be generated after the Main Sale ends.
How does it work?
When the customer confirms the order, the Ethereum Smart Agreement is set and will pay the agent after the shipment of the product has been successfully purchased. This distribution will include XYO Network Sentinel, a low-cost electronic device that records connections to other devices on the XYO Network in its blockchain log. Other XYO Network Tools also record their interactions with packets sent. Each of these interactions will be independently verified, confirming the location network provides all the way back to the origin of the submission. When sent to the end point, confirmed by its interaction with the XYO network equipment inside the buyer's house, the smart contract will be met, and the payment will be issued. There must be arguments.
XYO Network Components
The XYO network has four main mechanisms: Sentinel, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners. These four mechanisms enable geo-centric consensus and validation of unreliable location data. This means that when you write a smart contract that matches the object that appears on a certain XY coordinate, if any, you will know it on that page with absolute certainty. All this is done without the risk of misleading the location of signaling devices sent by thousands of Sentinel Verbs on Oracle XY Network with the longest proven sequence (hence the confidence is lighter than heuristics).
Storage components store heuristics in decentralized storage for all historical purposes, but without them. Even if some data is lost or temporarily unavailable, the system remains active, but only by reducing accuracy. The archives also index the ledger so that they can return a series of ledgers if needed. Archives only store raw data and are only paid for data retrieval. Archives are always free.
Diviner answers the questions given by analyzing the historical data that XYO Network has stored. To achieve this, the heuristics stored in the XYO Network must have a high level of evidence of origin to assess the validity and accuracy of the diagnosis by assessing evidence based on evidence of origin. Because the XYO network is a system without trust, Astrologers should be encouraged to provide honest analysis of heuristics. Unlike Sentinels and Bridges, Diviners use Proof of Work to add answers to blockchain.
The key factor is the heuristic witness. They observe heuristics and ensure heuristic certainty and accuracy by creating temporary ledgers. The most important aspect of the Sentinel is to create a great book that the Divin can be sure comes from the same source by adding a Proof of Origin to them.
The bridge is a heuristic composer. They have safely sent a heuristic checkbook from Sentinel to the Diviners. The most important aspect of the bridge is that Diviner can ensure that the heuristic ledger received from the bridge has not been altered in any way. The second most important aspect of Bridge is that they add
XY Track Track Track Track: "XYGPS"
XY launched the world's first Bluetooth GPS and Bluetooth hybrid. XYGPS can report its location anywhere in the world where mobile data and GPS are available.
XY released XY4 + device
XY has released XY4 + devices that allow it to act as an XYO Network node through software updates.
XY passes 1,000,000 Flags
There are already a million XY devices.
Blockchain is based on the Oracle XY Born network
Developed to remove the network platform from the internal XY position to open the initial block implementation: Oracle XY Network was born.
Q1 & Q2
XY Mints "Xyo Token" was first used for Intelligent Contract for Network Access
The first XYO Token is created and represents the official currency used in the XYO Network.
XY to complete XYO in test network ("XY TestNet")
XY will complete the development of Oracle Testnet XY and initiate a location block procedure that focuses on its Sentinel device.
Q3 & Q4
XY will launch XY Oracle Main Network ("XY MainNet").
XY will launch a full deployment of Oracle XY Network to XY Sentinel lamps and start testing with new Sentinel partners (especially IoT companies and mobile app developers).
XY to Complete the API for Intelligent Contract Developer to Interact with the Oracle XY Network
The release of the XYO Network API allows smart contract developers to write contracts to interact with XY networks. Libraries will be prepared: the Ethical Unity Library, the Ethereum Viper Library, and the JavaScript Library for websites that work with the XYO Network (similar to Web3.js merged with MetaMask).
XY will release XY Sticker-Based Tracker, which can be added to the E-Commerce Package
The "XY-Stick" product launch enables e-commerce retailers to track each of their products in real time.
XY to Develop a Global Network of Multiple Sentinel Location Devices
Develops Sentinel XY coverage (location of data providers and testers) as well as other components of Oracle XY Network (Bridge, Archiver, Burial).
XY Satellite Launches SatoshiXY and VitalikXY LEO Satellite
Shares will be sold on XY Low Earth Orbit satellite; This bet is held in the XYO Token Awards.
XY for businesses, retail organizations, and companies with more use cases to verify location.
Formal business relationships with larger companies and entities that can take advantage of hierarchical and untrustworthy centralist instincts (eg logistics systems, enterprise supply chains, auditor hours, e-commerce businesses, and countless other niches).
XYO to expand the global reach of the entire Oracle XY network
Website: https://xyo.network/index.html Books
White: https://xyo.network/whitepaper/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XYOracleNetwork
Telegram: https: // t.me/xyonetwork
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xyonetwork
Author (x xurtjati)
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1516520
My ETH: 0x1E0141D7fa5C340d404A73aAFBBcf5d74CE06564
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