NODE Hi-tech Startup Technology Revolutionary That Annoys Devices

Node is a revolutionary high-tech start-up, which disrupts the wireless market's niche of transmission devices for personal and commercial use. Our innovative development, research activities in the field of electrical storage and transmission, allow us to obtain solutions that are characterized by high quality and high efficiency.
As wireless transfer technology increases in the consumer electronics industry, industry and medical are shifting their focus to this technology and its inherent advantages. Since the communication interface becomes more wireless with technologies like WLAN and Bluetooth, wireless power transfer has become a relevant option. An entirely new approach can be drawn which is not only a clear technical advantage, but also opens up possibilities for new industrial designs. This technology presents a new concept - especially in industrial sectors that are struggling with harsh environmental conditions, aggressive cleaning agents, high and heavy mechanical stresses (eg ATEX, pharmaceuticals, construction machinery). For example, expensive and fragile slip rings or contacts can be replaced.
In 2017, the Node brand was created to implement project ideas, register intellectual property rights, and attract major specialists in the field of wireless energy transmission, to participate in product development. Currently, it offers a number of technical solutions in the field of wireless energy transmission - from electronic goods to industrial products. The product-making process using Node-derived technology has passed the experimental study stage to the successful manufacture and final testing of the prototype device. The ITO (Initial Token Offering) project, presented by Node, is a fundraising operation devoted to the continuous commercialization of technology and device production.
Achievements and innovations in technology, as well as increased production of autos, households, portable electronics, mobile phones, notebooks, tablets and other energy dependent products will, without a doubt, increase and sustain the level of wireless energy demand. transfer system Due to the availability of wireless charging technology, the use of various devices that depend on energy is simplified and at the same time more effective.
The introduction of wireless power transmission extends the product life cycle, reducing the need for power lines and waste management. Although wireless technology is not created for environmental care purposes, it is certainly effective in this regard and will greatly affect the environment. Impacts on the device and the external environment, can be ascertained in relation to the ecological type.
The current stage of development is the best time to invest:
- Checkmark R & D section, production and testing emblem successfully completed
- Check marks All Prototype tests show full compliance with the declared characteristics
- CheckmarkMaximum potential increase in investment
- Checkmark Protect risk associated with product performance
- Checkmark Opportunities usually accessible only by business angels and venture capitalists.
Market Overview
Achievements and innovations in technology and inexpensive demand for strong air power to change the behavior of car repair, housing, and electric development, mobile phones, books, plates and other electronic goods. Due to the invention of unwanted sales technology, the use of various technologies is very simple and at the same time most effective.
The introduction of non-electric generating products improves life's life, reduces energy requirements and uses waste. Although non-taxable television sets are not designed for environmental purposes, this is a real solution to this problem and contribute to environmental health. Their weaknesses on the products and the community outside can be the result of a clean cover.
ITO parameters
- Token Name: NODE
- Currency received: BTC, ETH
- Soft / Hard Cap: $ 1 million / $ 10 million
- Total number of tokens, including Pre-ITO: 10 million pcs.
- Token NODE is planned to be introduced in the stock exchange at the end of ITO
- Starting: 07.12.2017
- End: 07.01.2018
- Token Price: $ 1
- Minimum contribution: 10 USD
- Total Toekn A total of 0.75 Mliar pcs
- Starting: 15.02.2018
- Expires: 15.04.2018
- Token Price: $ 1
Minimum contribution: 10 USD
The original participant will receive a bonus:
- 1-10 days by 30%
- 11-20 days by 20%
- 21-30 days at 15%
- 31-40 days by 10%
Token Distribution: 2% of the token sold in the bounty program

The instigators of the project and such seek seek in the field of semiconductors and ceramic materials and their interaction with impulsive magnetic fields with high magnetic fields.
Based on the results, a decision was made to commercialize the technology
Development of schemes and technology solutions, component selection
A successful final experiment of multiple prototype devices
Design concepts developed, materials and technologies for the manufacture of batch samples are selected
Registration of Node as a legal entity
Financing negotiations and preparation for ITO
Creation of corporate website and marketing materials

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Author (x xurtjati)
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My ETH: 0x1E0141D7fa5C340d404A73aAFBBcf5d74CE06564
Author (x xurtjati)
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1516520
My ETH: 0x1E0141D7fa5C340d404A73aAFBBcf5d74CE06564
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